Main -> Visual didactical materials -> Russian -> Russian for biologists ->
Смотрим, рисуем и называем

Visual didactical materials
«Смотрим, рисуем и называем»

           The slide films of a series «Смотрим, рисуем и называем» of the collection “Learn to read Russian biological texts” are intended for forming of the basical lexical skills giving the initial notions about the Russian biological terminology. The texts are presented in different variants: from Russian into English and from English into Russian (by shots), only in Russian.

           These films may be played back at any computer with the WINDOWS version 95 and higher ones without additional installation of special programs as they are made in EХЕ size. The principle of operation: the transition between slides is produced by pushing drawn (graphical) button. The motion is possible this way “forward ”, that way “back ”.

           The slide-films are intended for group teaching and may be used by a teacher directly at school lessons. The presented by us principle of operation lets stop on shots, requiring special attention.

           The main aim of the series. learning Russian a school pupil and a student of a high school come face to face with a big volume of educational information, requiring adoption of content and remembering of special terminology within comparatively small period of time. It creates special hazards while translation of the texts, having special subject vocabulary. The content and purpose of the series are defined with strict propaedeutic assignment.

           The peculiarity of the methodological purpose of the series. The effectiveness of teaching is reached due to the fact of joint of presented screen visual and textual educational information in the unified whole available for visual perception of a taught person. Laconic text and image focus attention of a taught person at the basic elements of educational material, that provides fast adoption of the given material by students.
           When group teaching, it is recommended to provide collective viewing on a big screen, that would allow a teacher to concentrate attention of pupils into unified direction and in a common pace.

Смотрим, рисуем и называем

  1. Давай нарисуем собаку
2. Как нарисовать речного леща
3. Попробуем нарисовать воробья
4. Нарисуем вместе сову
5. Как нарисовать морскую камбалу
6. Как нарисовать маленького тюленя
7. Давай нарисуем лицо человека
The brief content of the series

№1. Давай нарисуем собаку

A shot from the film

       With a slide film «Давай нарисуем собаку» an acquaintance with the basic Russian terminology, describing appearance of the most meetable representative of animal class starts. The minimum quantity of often repeating terms lets adopt and memorize all necessary lexical units.

The Russian-English variant

The English-Russian variant

The Russian variant

Llist of films


№2. Как нарисовать речного леща

A shot from the film

       The slide film «Как нарисовать речного леща» presents the most typical representative of fish class. Due to changing of a hero in the film, a wideness of the word deposit takes place, their repeating lets to remember them easily.

The Russian-English variant

The English-Russian variant

The Russian variant

List of films


№3. Попробуем нарисовать воробья

A shot from the film

       The slide film «Попробуем нарисовать воробья» gives additional widening of the Russian vocabulary provides opportunity to describe appearance of the most meetable and typical representative of bird class.

The Russian-English variant

The English-Russian variant

The Russian variant

List of films


№4. Нарисуем вместе сову

A shot from the film

       The slide film «Нарисуем вместе сову» is a sister film to the film «Попробуем нарисовать воробья». At the same time with new nouns, a row of adjectives is introduced, describing properties of one of the most interesting representatives of the bird realm.

The Russian-English variant

The English-Russian variant

The Russian variant

List of the films


№5. Как нарисовать морскую камбалу

A shot from the film

       The slide-film «Как нарисовать морскую камбалу»,describes appearance of one of the most interesting representatives of the sea fishes class. It is a sister-film to the slide-film «Как нарисовать речного леща», and correspondingly continues a line for widening of speech units deposit.

The Russian-English variant

The English- Russian variant

The Russian variant

List of the films


№6. Как нарисовать маленького тюленя?

A shot from the film

       The slide-film «Как нарисовать маленького тюленя» is a sister-film to the slide-film «Давай нарисуем собаку». Simultaneously with revising of known nouns, the deposit of speech parts, connected with morphological distinctions of the sea animals class is increased.

The Russian-English variant

The English-Russian variant

The Russian variant

List of films


№7. Давай нарисуем лицо человека

A shot from the film

       The slide-film «Давай нарисуем лицо человека» finishes the series with enumeration of already known terms using for description of the representatives of fauna and introduction new ones, characteristic directly for the man. The film is intended for learning, and also revising and control.

The Russian-English variant

The English – Russian variant

The Russian variant

List of the films

The collective of authors
The concept and visualization - Reznik N.A.
The projecting and visual arrangement - Ezhova N.M.
The selection of lexical material and its adaptation - Карасёв А.А.Karasev A.A.
The biological editing - Kryshtop V.A.
The approbation - Bylatetskaya G.N., Pavlova S.N.
The main -> Visual didactical materials -> Russian -> Russian for biologists ->
Смотрим, рисуем и называем

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© Natalya Reznik ( the chief of the project “The visual school”
© Natalia Yezhova ( the methodologist-elaborator of the web site
© Aleksey Baryshkin: design the mock-up of the web site
© Anrey Karasev: translator

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