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27.01.2013  The article of Reznik N.A., Pavlov N.A., Poboikin V. Ya. Visual training tools in collection of «Observations and experiments in geometry» has been published in the part “Our published works”.
28.01.2013  In category "Our publications" we open subsection "The åxperimental textbooks", with subsection “Mathematics”, which presents a first åxperimental textbooks Do we know, who lives nearby us? The visual copy-book ¹1
27.08.2012  In category "Our publications" we open subsection "The åxperimental textbooks", with subsection “Mathematics”, which presents a first åxperimental textbooks “Visual notes "Angles": Visual materials for teachers and pupils (5-7 forms)”
26.08.2012  In category "Our publications" we open subsection "The åxperimental textbooks", with subsection “Mathematics”, which presents an åxperimental textbooks “The primary notions about the translations of the mathematical texts”
07.06.2012  We are starting to update and supplement The series «The first quarter of the trigonometrical circumference» of the collection «The trigonometrical circumference»
31.12.2009  Links to seria of articles Series of articles «What is the knowledge we have about our little, and about ourselves in the modern information environment? have been published in the part “Our published works”.


29.03.2009  Links to seria of articles The problem of learning to read and translate foreign professional texts have been published in the part “Our published works”.

05.10.2008  Series of slide films "Russian for mathematicians" and "Russian for biologists" have been published in the part "Russian" of “Visual didactic materials”.

29.03.2008  The article of Reznik N. Visual thinking as activity in the information enviroment of education has been published in the part “Our published works”.
Series of slide films «Linear transformations of the parabola and the hyperbola» has been published in the part “Visual didactic materials”.

01.03.2008  Series of slide films «The first quarter of the trigonometrical circumference» has been published in the part “Visual didactic materials”.

26.01.2008  The article of Reznik N.,  Yezhova N.  “Non-documentary” facilities for visualization of information in modern training means has been published in the part “Our published works”.
Series of slide films «The whole and its shares» has been published in the part “Visual didactic materials”.

25.10.2006  The article of Reznik N., Ivanchuk N., Yezhova N.  Developing graphic culture of students with the use of computer training aids has been published in the part “Our published works”.
The web site methodologists: Natalya Reznik, Natalia Yezhova

Web-site elaborator: Aleksey Baryshkin

Web-site elaborator: Natalia Yezhova (since 2004ã.)


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© Natalya Reznik: the chief of the project “The visual school”
© Natalia Yezhova: the methodologist and the web site elaborator
© Aleksey Baryshkin: design the mock-up of the web site

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