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“Non-documentary” facilities for visualization of information in modern training means

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Reznik N., Yezhova N.

The article has been published in collection of works of the International Scientifically Practical Conference "Informatization of education. School of XXI century".

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           Today schools use a wider range of training means whereas their task is still to “present knowledge so that the teacher could explain it and the student could understand the presented scientific knowledge” [1].

How do we understand the issue?

           In up-to-date training means, textbooks and digital manuals information is presented in two major ways.

           In the first case, when authors want to present their vision of certain knowledge and skills, information is presented by a continuous information flow. However, it is difficult to “see”, comprehend and understand due to numerous reasons. In the second case, training materials are presented in detail only partially, therefore, the teacher has to provide for his own explanations or suggest students following the advised pattern. In both cases the issue of understanding is mostly withdrawn, whereas knowledge and skills are fixed not strongly enough and “fade” later.

           The above-mentioned concerns textbooks and certain training programs as well: knowledge is presented by the continuous flow (i.e. voice-over summary of lectures) or patterns (e.g. plotting devices) which provide for modification of separate fragments of knowledge, completed in both cases.

           Moreover, digital training means are still not applied for propaedeutics and development of exploring skills of students, though they possess such advantages as slight dependence of physical volume of “the manual” from the level of detailed presentation and possible combination of various presentation ways (text-formula-drawing). These very stages (primary learning and development of exploring skills) are dealt with by above “non-documentary” visualization facilities within our concept.

What can we suggest?

           Apparently, the matter of primary learning is not discussed due to its seeming simplicity, while the matter of development of exploring skills fails to be solved due to its complicity. We consider propaedeutics and exploring activities of students to be very important stages of translation process of completed knowledge. Therefore, we apply technical advantages of digital training means for maximum visualization of knowledge needed by growing generations for any studies.

           The learning process can be compared with a pattern of receiving information from environment. After the receipt a decision is taken: whether the received information is interesting and important. Afterwards its content is more or less perceived. In each case (based on individual opportunities) there are breaks and abrupt rises in intellectual activities. Therefore, at certain training stages we consider students’ brainwork to be discretely continuous.

           We suggest taking into account these brainwork features for development of screen pages of training programs and their didactic documentary support, as available training means cannot be applied for completion of some important tasks.

How do we implement it?

           The main objective of our work is to support the concept which focuses on presentation of training information in the desktop display, i.e. accurate and precise visualization of training information. For example:

1.  introduction of an idea (verbal interpretation of elements of the idea’s image);
2.  propaedeutic transformation of the idea (transition to new visual forms of presentation);
3.  study of features of the idea (actions with the image leading to speculative fixation of its effects), etc.

           Furthermore, we try to make a computer one o f basic tools for teachers of any level of computer competence, i.e. to make paper and digital training “tools” as compact and simple in use as possible.

           Moreover, our intentions influence development of screen interface. It must be ascetic, clear and smart in a certain way. It must help students in their visual perception and visual brainwork, as said by William Blake “By means of eye, not with the eye knows how to see the world our mind”.

           Integral parts of our programs (slide films, slide catalogues and visual toys) are special interface elements: interrogative signs and compulsory transition buttons (which help the teacher stop and discuss all suggested answers), as well as “helping little men” that draw attention to certain issues in certain order.

           As a result, our electronic resources help the teacher work in various modes, change tempos of explanations, apply them in groups of various competences, and combine them with practical solutions of examples or problematic situations.


 1. Vladimirsky B.M. Computer manuals: construction analysis and psycho-physiological requirement of computer science // Computer tools in education.–2000.–N1.–P.3-8.

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